In the Mont-Mégantic International Dark Sky Reserve, the regulations controlling the installation of exterior lighting are divided according to the 3 RCMs :
Sherbrooke , Haut-Saint-François and Granit .
In addition, the municipalities of Haut-Saint-François and Granit are distributed in 2 zones, depending on their proximity to Mont Mégantic.
Area: 366 km2
Population: 175,114
Ville de Sherbrooke
Municipalities :
Municipalities :
Zone 1 :

*additional and exact specifications can be found inside the regulations documents (french only).

Emit less than 1% of the luminous flux above the horizon,
or less than 2.5% of the luminous flux if the luminaire is installed at a height less than:
3.5m in zone 1 of the Haut-Saint-François and Granit RCMs.
5m in zone 2 of the Haut-Saint-François and Granit RCMs,
7m in Sherbrooke.

The use of visors or the installation of the luminaire under a canopy may be compliant if they meet the maximum percentages of light emitted above the horizon.

Light sources of 2200 K and less (10% blue light* and less) are required for all exterior uses, except for the following :
For the uses specifically identified below, the light sources can reach a maximum color temperature of 3000K (or 20% blue light*) :
outdoor commercial display area
non-residential building entrance (only in Sherbrooke)
light source emitting less than 1000 lumens (only in Haut-Saint-Francois and Granit RCMs)
For the uses specifically identified below, the light sources can reach a maximum color temperature of 4000K (30% blue light*) :
gas pumps
sports field (*exemption in Sherbrooke)
Colour temperature, expressed in Kelvin ( K ), is used to refer to the hue of a light source. This value can be found on the source packaging or in the luminaire photometric report.
The higher the colour temperature, the greater the amount of blue light.
Percentage of blue according to the type of source:
Amber LED - 0% blue
PC-Amber LED (1800K) - 2% blue
LED 2200 K - 10% blue
LED 2700 K - 16% blue
LED 3000 K - 22% blue
LED 4000 K - 30% blue
High Pressure Sodium (2200 K) - 8% blue
Halogen (3000 K) - 16% blue
Metal halide (4000 K) - 35% blue

* The percentage of blue light represents the light emitted in the range of wavelengths between 405 and 530 nanometers compared to the range of wavelengths between 380 and 730 nanometers.
The spectral power distribution of a source or a luminaire is available with its photometric report.
[ 405 to 530 nm ] = percentage of blue light
[ 380 to 730 nm ]

The installation of exterior lighting devices must correspond to a specific use, or an equivalent task, and must comply with the lighting levels prescribed in the regulations.
These maximum lighting levels are modulated according to the type of use so as to ensure the necessary visibility in accordance with the needs of a particular task.
For example, levels for street lighting, outdoor commercial display areas, storage lots, parking lots, and sports fields are all listed in regulations. For the uses requiring a large amount of light, a photometric study and point-by-point calculation are generally required.
For lower intensity installations, such as residential use, it is possible to use the total light emitted by the luminaires (in lumens) to determine compliance, within the limits prescribed in each regulation.

Haut-Saint-François and Granit RCMs:
Lights off, including signs, after 10 p.m. or outside of operating hours.
Outside of operating hours, exterior lighting for outdoor commercial display and handling/work areas must :
be turned off;
reduced to the equivalent light levels of storage areas (10 lux);
or reduced by at least 75%.
Switch-off is not mandatory for:
Pedestrian areas
Building entrances
Storage lots
Monuments and landscaping
Lights off, or reduced by at least 50%, after 11:00 p.m. or 30 minutes after hours of operation. This also applies to signs.
Complete switch-off of lighting fixtures for outdoor sports and playgrounds 30 minutes after the end of the activities taking place there.
Switch-off and dimming is not mandatory for :
Building entrances and perimeters
Parking lots of multifamily housing


Choose a luminaire whose light is directed entirely towards the ground.
These fixtures reduce glare, use their light more efficiently and limit skyglow.
No light should be sent above the horizon and outside of the property.

Use amber and warm-coloured light sources.
White light causes more glare, more skyglow, and has more negative impacts on human health and the environment.
To reduce these adverse effects, use a color temperature of 2200K or less.

Use the right amount and intensity of light for sober and uniform lighting.
The eye adapts better when the luminosity of artificial light sources is in harmony with the ambient luminosity.
With lower contrast, nighttime places are more visible and the general visibility is better.

Adjust the timing and duration of outdoor lighting.
Install a timer, a motion detector, or simply turn the lights off at the end of the evening.
The main goal is to use artificial light only when needed.