The actions and decisions of the Mont-Mégantic International Dark Sky Reserve are based on numerous scientific studies that have studied the effects of light pollution.
Available below is a list of scientific articles dealing with different aspects of artificial light at night and its adverse consequences.

New study:
Benefits of
13,8 M$ per year
116 jobs per year
[...] this report undeniably shows that tourist activities in the MMIDSR are a major driver of tourism in the region and that the ongoing preservation of the protected area has clear economic benefits.

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Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) Research Literature Database
Maintained and produced jointly by DarkSky International and Loss of the Night Network (LoNNe), this tool references scientific articles dealing with the problematics of light pollution. This is the best way to find the most up-to-date articles.

Light pollution, skyglow,
measurement and modelling
Kyba, C. C. M. (2020). Direct measurement of the contribution of street lighting to satellite observations of nighttime light emissions from urban areas
Kolláth, Z. (2020). The colour of the night sky
Kolláth, Z. (2020). Introducing the dark sky unit for multi-spectral measurement of the night sky quality with commercial digital cameras
Buxton, R. T. (2020). The relationship between anthropogenic light and noise in U.S. national parks
Kyba, C. C. M. (2017). Artificially lit surface of Earth at night increasing in radiance and extent.
Hänel, A. (2017). Measuring night sky brightness: methods and challenges.
Bará, S. (2017). Estimating the relative contribution of streetlights, vehicles and residential lighting to the urban night sky brightness.
Levin, M. (2017). A global analysis of factors controlling VIIRS nighttime light levels from densely populated areas.
Aubé, M. (2016). The spectral amplification effect of clouds to the night sky radiance in Madrid.
Falchi, F. (2016). The new world atlas of artificial night sky brightness.
Duriscoe, D. M. (2016). Photometric indicators of visual night sky quality derived from all-sky brightness maps.
Kyba, C. C. M. (2015). Worldwide variations in artificial skyglow.
Jin, H. (2015). Research on the Lighting Performance of LED Street Lights With Different Color Temperatures.
Bennie, J. (2014). Contrasting trends in light pollution across Europe based on satellite observed night time lights.
Aubé, M. (2014). Sky brightness levels before and after the creation of the first International Dark Sky Reserve, Mont-Mégantic Observatory, Québec, Canada.
Duriscoe, D. M. (2013). Measuring Anthropogenic Sky Glow Using a Natural Sky Brightness Model.
Luginbuhl. C. B. (2013). The impact of light source spectral power distribution on sky glow.
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (2013). Rationale for the future change to led technology for outdoor light in La Palma.
Kyba, C. C. M. (2012). A community standard for recording skyglow data.
Kyba, C. C. M. (2012). Red is the new black: how the colour of urban skyglow varies with cloud cover.
Kuechly, H. (2012). Aerial survey and spatial analysis of sources of light pollution in Berlin, Germany.
Müller, A. (2011). Measuring the Night Sky Brightness with the Lightmeter.
Kyba, C. C. M. (2011). Cloud Coverage Acts as an Amplifier for Ecological Light Pollution in Urban Ecosystems.
Kruse, F. (2011). Identifying and Mapping Night Lights using Imaging Spectrometry.
Kruse, F. (2011). Characterizing urban light sources using imaging spectrometry.
Den Outer, P. (2011). Intercomparisons of Nine Sky Brightness Detectors.
Aceituno, J. (2011). An All-Sky Transmission Monitor: ASTMON.
Falchi, F. (2010). Campaign of sky brightness and extinction measurements using a portable CCD camera.
Ziskin, D. (2010). Methods Used For the 2006 Radiance Lights.
Rabaza, O. (2010). All-Sky brightness monitoring of light pollution with astronomical methods.
Lolkema, D.E. (2010). Effects of atmospheric conditions on night sky brightness.
Kollath, Z. (2010). Measuring and modelling light pollution at the Zselic Starry Sky Park.
Hölker, F. (2010). The Dark Side of Light: A Transdisciplinary Research Agenda for Light Pollution Policy.
Elvidge, C. D. (2010). Spectral Identification of Lighting Type and Character.
Elvidge, C. D. (2009). Overview of DMSP Nightime Lights and Future Possibilities.
Hollan, J. (2009). What is light pollution, and how do we quantify it?
Luginbuhl. C. B. (2009). From The Ground Up I: Light Pollution Sources in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Duriscoe, D.M. (2007) Measuring Night‐Sky Brightness with a Wide‐Field CCD Camera.
Chalkias, C. (2006). Modelling of light pollution in suburban areas using remotely sensed imagery and GIS.
Cinzano, P. (2005). Night sky photometry with Sky Quality Meter.
Aubé, M. (2005). Light Pollution Modelling and Detection in a Heterogeneous Environment: Toward a Night Time Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Method.
Marchant, P. R. (2004) A Demonstration That the Claim That Brighter Lighting Reduces Crime Is Unfounded
Duriscoe, D. (2001). Modeling Light Pollution from Population Data and Implications for National Park Service Lands.
Cinzano, P. (2001). The first World Atlas of the artificial night sky brightness.
Cinzano, P. (2000). Naked eye star visibility and limiting magnitude mapped from DMSP-OLS satellite data.
Cinzano, P. (2000). Measuring and modelling light pollution.
Cinzano, P. (2000). The artificial night sky brightness mapped from DMSP satellite Operational Linescan System measurements.
Walker, M. F. (1997). The effects of urban lighting on the brightness of the night sky.
Light pollution, environment
and ecosystems
Sanders, D. (2020). A meta-analysis of biological impacts of artificial light at night.
Kernback, M.E. (2020). Broad-spectrum light pollution suppresses melatonin and increases West Nile virus–induced mortality in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Bollige, J. (2020). Effects of traffic-regulated street lighting on nocturnal insect abundance and bat activity
Berge, J. (2020). Artificial light during the polar night disrupts Arctic fish and zooplankton behaviour down to 200 m depth.
Schulte-Römer, N. (2019). The LED Paradox: How Light Pollution Challenges Experts to Reconsider Sustainable Lighting
Longcore, T. (2017). Artificial Night Lighting and Protected Lands: Ecological Effects and Management Approaches.
Seymoure, B. M. (2018) Enlightening Butterfly Conservation Efforts: The Importance of Natural Lighting for Butterfly Behavioral Ecology and Conservation.
Longcore, T. (2017). Artificial Night Lighting and Protected Lands: Ecological Effects and Management Approaches.
Lewanzik, D. (2017). Transition from conventional to light-emitting diode street lighting changes activity of urban bats.
Robert, K. A. (2015). Artificial light at night desynchronizes strictly seasonal reproduction in a wild mammal.
Aubé, M. (2013). Evaluating Potential Spectral Impacts of Various Artificial Lights on Melatonin Suppression, Photosynthesis, and Star Visibility.
Lyytimâki, J. (2013). Nature’s nocturnal services: Light pollution as a non-recognised challenge for ecosystem services research and management.
Stone, E.L. (2012). Conserving energy at a cost to biodiversity? Impacts of LED lighting on bats.
Granier, H. (2012). Comment prendre en compte la pollution lumineuse dans l'identification des continuités écologiques ?
American Bird Conservancy (2012). Bird-friendly building design.
Bruce-White, C., Shradlow, M. (2011). A Review of the Impact of Artificial Light on Invertebrates.
Sordello, R. (2011). Six propositions pour réduire les nuisances lumineuses sur la biodiversité dans les espaces naturels.
Kyba, C. C. M. (2011). Cloud Coverage Acts as an Amplifier for Ecological Light Pollution in Urban Ecosystems.
International Dark-Sky Association. (2010). Visibility, Environmental, and Astronomical Issues Associated with blue-Rich White Outdoor Lighting.
Patriarca, E. (2010). Bats and light pollution.
International Dark-Sky Association. (2010). Pollution lumineuse et faune.
Hölker, F. (2010). Light pollution as a biodiversity threat.
Aubrecht, C. (2010). SOS call from nature: Observing effects of artificial night lighting on marine birds on the Azores.
Stone, E. L. (2009). Street lighting disturbs commuting bats.
Siblet, J.-P. (2008). Impact de la pollution lumineuse sur la biodiversité. Synthèse bibliographique.
Deda, P. (2007). Light pollution and the impacts on biodiversity, species and their habitats.
Roberson McClung, C. (2006). Plant circadian rythms.
International Dark-Sky Association. (2006). Effects of artificial light at night on wildlife.
Longcore, T. (2004). Ecological light pollution.
Kenneth, D. F. (1988). Impact of outdoor lighting on moths: an assessment.
Light pollution and human health
Garcia-Saenz, A. (2018). Evaluating the Association between Artificial Light-at-Night Exposure and Breast and Prostate Cancer Risk in Spain.
Nagare, R. (2018). Effect of exposure duration and light spectra on nighttime melatonin suppression in adolescents and adults.
Obayashi, K. (2018). Bedroom Light Exposure at Night and the Incidence of Depressive Symptoms: A Longitudinal Study of the HEIJO-KYO Cohort.
American Medical Association (2016). Human and Environmental Effects of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Community Lighting
Dauchy, R.T., Xiang (2014). Circadian and Melatonin Disruption by Exposure to Light at Night Drives Intrinsic Resistance to Tamoxifen Therapy in Breast Cancer.
Aubé, M. (2013). Evaluating Potential Spectral Impacts of Various Artificial Lights on Melatonin Suppression, Photosynthesis, and Star Visibility.
Cho, J. R. (2013). Let there be no light: the effect of bedside light on sleep quality and background electroencephalographic rhythms.
Yamauchi, M. (2013). Effects of environment light during sleep on autonomic functions of heart rate and breathing.
Bauer, S.E. (2013). A case-referent study: light at night and breast cancer risk in Georgia.
Fonken, L. K. (2013). Dim Light at Night Disrupts Molecular Circadian Rhythms and Increases Body Weight.
Obayashi, K. (2013). Exposure to light at night and risk of depression in the elderly.
Yam, J. C. S. (2013). Ultraviolet light and ocular diseases.
Bedrosian, T. A. (2012). Chronic dim light at night provokes reversible depression-like phenotype: possible role for TNF.
Harvard Health Letter. (2012) Blue light has a dark side.
American Medical Association (2012). Light Pollution: Adverse Health Effects of Nighttime Lighting.
Stevens, R.G. (2011). Testing the light-at-night (LAN) theory for breast cancer causation.
Kloog, I. (2011). Does the Modern Urbanized Sleeping Habitat Pose a Breast Cancer Risk?
Falchi, F. (2011). Limiting the impact of light pollution on human health, environment and stellar visibility.
Bierman, A. (2011). Measuring and predicting eyelid spectral transmittance.
International Dark-Sky Association. (2010). Visibility, Environmental, and Astronomical Issues Associated with blue-Rich White Outdoor Lighting.
Illuminating Engineering Society (2010). IES Position Statement (PS-03-10) : Effects of Exterior Lighting on Human Health.
World Health Organization. (2010). IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans.
Kloog, I. (2010). Nighttime light level co-distributes with breast cancer incidence worldwide.
Motta, M. (2009). U.S. Physicians Joins Light Pollution Fight.
Chepesiuk, R. (2009). Missing the dark: Health effects of light pollution.
Navara, K. J. (2007). The dark side of light at night: physiological, epidemiological, and ecological consequences.
Cajochen, C. (2005). High Sensitivity of Human Melatonin, Alertness, Thermoregulation, and Heart Rate to Short Wavelength Light.
Brainard, G. C. (2001). Action Spectrum for Melatonin Regulation in Humans: Evidence for a Novel Circadian Photoreceptor.
Light pollution, security and society
Barentine, J. (2020). Who speaks for the night? The regulation of light pollution in the ‘Rights of Nature’ legal framework
Nadybal, S.M. (2020). Light pollution inequities in the continental United States: A distributive environmental justice analysis
Marchant, P. R. (2017). Why Lighting Claims Might Well Be Wrong
Rice Kinder Institute for Urban Research, (2017). What Happens in the Shadows: Streetlights and How They Relate To Crime.
Steinbach, R. (2015). The effect of reduced street lighting on road casualties and crime in England and Wales: controlled interrupted time series analysis.
Sivak, M. (2005). Blue content of LED headlamps and discomfort glare
Marchant, P. R. (2004). A Demonstration That the Claim That Brighter Lighting Reduces Crime Is Unfounded