for good outdoor lighting
by everyone
Anyone can easily mitigate the adverse effects of artificial light at night on the environment and reduce light pollution by adopting good lighting practices at home.
The idea of reducing light pollution is often interpreted as completely stopping the use of lights at night, which is actually a long way from reality:
reducing light pollution is simply using light in a better way.
Combine these 4 principles for outdoor lighting that keep the sky and night naturally dark.
Light fixture

Illustrations : Bob Crelin - bobcrelin.com
Adaptations : Rémi Boucher
Fully shielded light source
Downward light beam
Motion detector, timer and dimmer controls
Visors and shields limiting light trespass
Full cutoff amber LED fixture
Light bulb
< 2200K
Bug light

For a brightness of more than 1000 lumens :
1800K to 2200K, Amber LED and "Bug light"
For a brightness below 1000 lumens :
Colour temperature of 3000K or lower

Use amber and warm-coloured light sources.
White light causes more glare, more skyglow, and has more negative impacts on human health and the environment.
To reduce these adverse effects, use a colour temperature of 2200K or less.

Use the right amount and intensity of light for sober and uniform lighting.
The eye adapts better when the luminosity of artificial light sources is in harmony with the ambient luminosity.
With lower contrast, nighttime places are more visible and the general visibility is better.

Adjust the timing and duration of outdoor lighting.
Install a timer, a motion detector, or simply remember to turn the lights off at the end of the evening.
The main goal is to use artificial light only when needed.
Here is a list of outdoor light fixtures available in hardware stores and retailers in Quebec that respect these eco-lighting principles.
* This list is not exhaustive. The actual product offering may vary.
For fixtures with higher luminous output, see our Recommended luminaires page and ask your retailer or distributor for outdoor fixtures that meet the highest standards of night and dark sky protection.
For more information on the regulatory provisions to be observed on the territory of the Mont-Mégantic International Dark Sky Reserve,
go to our REGULATIONS page.
“Do LEDs reduce light pollution?”
No, LEDs can reduce power consumption, but not necessarily light pollution. Most LEDs are often too white and can increase light pollution.
That is why white LEDs are prohibited for outdoor lighting in the Dark Sky Reserve, with the exception of a few specific types of uses identified in the regulations.
Fortunately, it is possible to choose amber LEDs (1800K to 2200K) which can reduce the impact of artificial light at night.
This is also why several municipalities in the Dark Sky Reserve use these amber LED luminaires for public lighting and that they now abundantly found also in private lighting.
"Will reducing outdoor lighting risk reducing safety?"
No. Several studies have shown that reducing lighting does not have a negative impact on safety and that increasing lighting does not directly result in a positive effect on safety either.
In addition, the improper use or installation of light fixtures may make the situation worse. Bad lighting can create glare and strong contrast that will affect the good visibility of the nocturnal environment.
“My neighbour's light is shining toward my house and is disturbing. What should I do?
Your neighbour possibly doesn't realize that his light is a nuisance to others and the environment.
Many people believe that abundant lighting increases safety, but this belief is not supported by studies. It is a false sense of security.
Do not hesitate to discuss with your neighbour and ask his opinion to find a solution such as redirecting the light, changing to a less powerful and amber-coloured bulb, or installing a motion detector.
Showing goodwill will help in finding a solution for all. Stay positive and be understanding of his personal reasons to use lighting. Everyone wants to be able to relax at home.
You can share advice with him for good lighting and educate him about the negative effects of light pollution.
“What should I do if the lights on my street are not adequate and illuminate inside my house?”
Contact the entity responsible for street lighting in your municipality and explain to them how this problem affects your quality of life. Fixtures causing intrusive light can be fitted with visors or reoriented correctly.
If these steps do not lead to a resolution, be diplomatic but persistent. Contact a local elected representative to ask for support in your request.
Both DarkSky International and the American Medical Association (AMA) recommend that municipalities do not install white LED fixtures. White light not only has more negative impacts on nocturnal wildlife and sky visibility, but it also produces more glare and can affect the sleep cycle.
“Is a 'Dark Sky' light fixture automatically suitable for the Mont-Mégantic IDSR?”
Several light fixtures are identified as "dark sky", but not all of them are suitable for use in the Mont-Mégantic International Dark Sky Reserve.
The Mont-Mégantic IDSR enjoys very high standards of protection of the night environment which are often ahead of usual practices and guidelines. Several "dark sky" fixtures emit light that is too white and rich in blue. It is therefore important to make sure to choose lighting that meets the regulations of the region.
In addition, several of these labels are not official certifications but simply identifications but the manufacturer.
"Who makes sure that the regulation on outdoor lighting is applied?"
The municipal inspectors are responsible for enforcing the regulations
in the Mont-Mégantic IDSR.
The installation of new lighting or the modification of existing lighting must be made following the requirements of the regional regulations.
Most often, it is when applying for a building permit that the assessment is made. Certain cases of inadequate lighting are also brought to the attention of inspectors by complaints from citizens.